Managing a Successful Remote Contact Centre
Amy Elmore, Head of Customer Operations, Liaison Workforce
15 April 2024

After attending numerous roundtable discussions, conference events and visiting other Contact Centres late last year, Amy Elmore, our Head of Customer Operations, noticed something that makes Liaison Workforce’s Support Services quite unique…
The Liaison Workforce Support Service Contact Centre moved to remote working in 2020, and has remained 100% remote ever since. But what makes it work for our team?
When speaking to other Contact Centre managers whose teams operate with office or hybrid working, many express shock that we have been able to continue with a 100% remote Contact Centre, an approach which is unusual in the industry.
Yet it works so successfully for us. But don’t take my word for it – just look at some of the teams’ achievements last year…
- Average customer satisfaction rating of 93%
- Average call answer time of 3 minutes, 50 seconds
- First contact resolution rate of 97%
- Liaison Group rated 32nd Best Large Company to Work for in the UK by Best Companies, along with their highest 3-star accreditation
- Winner of ‘Specialist Payroll and HR Provider’ award at The Rewards, 2024
- Joint winner of ‘Best Wellbeing in the Workplace Strategy: Large Company’ in the 2024 Great British Workplace Wellbeing Awards
Our team live and breathe our company values, and I think this is how we continue to not just succeed with a remote Contact Centre but thrive too. I think we have something unique at Liaison Group and I am proud to be able to reflect on our journey and successes:
Care – Going the extra mile. Our teams want to help, and whether that be for a customer or a colleague, nothing is too much. From virtual check-ins to customer process improvement sessions, they do everything than can to assist.
Honesty – We trust our employees. The Liaison Contact Centre teams do not need to ask for permission to leave their desks like many Contact Centres. We support flexibility that focuses on ensuring the customer is well supported. Our customer satisfaction results are proof this works.
Inspire – We’re brave! The teams embrace change and are always finding ways to improve. They are excellent at identifying opportunities for improvements and process efficiencies.
Guide – No question is a silly question! As a new starter, you’ll often hear this. However, we pride ourselves on our new starter experience. All completed remotely, we tailor 3-month training plans to suit behavioural styles (Behavioural Insights) and I learn best results (Honey and Mumford learning styles).
Externally, our Liaison Digest information bank also guides our support customers to tailored insights and information, including blog posts, videos, and webinars, to provide additional assistance and value to our clients.
What does the team say?
Support Specialist
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