NHS workforce solution: Covid-19 testing to increase to decrease workforce absence
15 April 2020
Liaison Workforce on the new NHS workforce solution
The HSJ has reported that 1 in 10 nurses and midwives are currently off work due to the coronavirus – a little over 28,000 essential medical workers in total. Calls for a NHS workforce solution is underway.
Amongst doctors, over 7,500 are also absent for Covid-19 related reasons throughout the UK.
The government continues to ramp up testing, including prioritising testing for medical staff in order for them to return to work where possible rather than self-isolate if not necessary – which rules them out of the workplace for up to 14 days. Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock MP, has confirmed the aim that “we want to get [absences] down” by increasing testing, and enable more professionals to remain where they’re needed most during the current pandemic.
How are we helping provide NHS workforce solutions?
In the meantime, Liaison Workforce has increased its supply of relevant services to support NHS organisations in maintaining staffing levels for trusts and health boards. This has included the availability of emergency staff banks, and filling vacancies with bank staff rather than using agencies, in order to keep spending in this area to a minimum. Our medical banks have also enabled Covid-19 absence codes, allowing trusts to identify where there are absence issues within their organisations, and enable them to target solutions accordingly.
We can also provide assistance via the widening of agency supply chains, supplying relevant workforce intelligence, and implementing effective temporary staffing processes, including administration, payroll and pensions.
To find out more about the support we are offering to both established NHS organisations, as well as the new Nightingale NHS Trusts, please speak to Laurence Ansell [email protected] or Jack Mazzina [email protected]