Liaison Workforce supports trusts in transforming locum spend as report reveals annual spend on top ten locums could pay salaries of 43 consultants

2 March 2020

Liaison Workforce

The recently published Taking the Temperature report for Q3 2019-20 has revealed that the £3.8million annual spend on the top ten locums at the NHS trusts sampled would cover the salaries for 43 full-time substantive consultants, based on pay rates and hours worked.

As nine out of ten of these identified locums have been in post for more than six months, our report shows that moving these types of costly long-term locums into substantive positions represents a major savings opportunity for trusts.

Many trusts are faced with this issue, due to the resources required and their availability. Liaison Workforce has the experience and expertise to help them identify and manage such long-term bookings, enabling them to transition workers onto permanent contracts where appropriate, or converting them to medical banks to reduce hourly rates.

To find out more, download the Taking the Temperaturereport here, or contact one of our Workforce Advisors for further information via [email protected].

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