Meet Our Senior Leadership Team
Liaison Group’s senior team comprises experienced executives from across the healthcare, finance, HR and workforce sectors. Each member is committed to seeking out efficiencies, driving excellence, challenging current practices and contributing to the global health economy.
Bruce has over 40 years’ experience building technology-enabled businesses globally. He began his career at PCL plc, rising to the level of Group Managing Director within 12 years. Between 1997 and 2005, he ran the international HR and payroll services division at Ceridian Group, guiding 2500 colleagues across the world.
Bruce currently coaches CEOs and their senior team as Chair of Liaison Group Ltd, Safeguard World International, JA Ltd, and Stryde Ltd.
He became Liaison Group’s Chairman in 2008, with a passion to help the NHS save money and release time for better patient care.
Andrew joined Liaison in 1994 as a VAT Advisor and became Managing Director in 2008, following on to become CEO in 2019. He was instrumental in expanding our services to include forensic cost reduction services in 2009, Direct Engagement in 2011, and Continuing Healthcare in 2019.
He continues to oversee the expansion of Liaison’s Workforce, Financial and Care services, and works with our clients to improve the UK healthcare economy, whilst also spearheading the deployment of the Liaison Group services globally.
With a strong HR background of over 30 years, Judith joined Liaison in 2012 and became Managing Director of Liaison Workforce in 2017, where she is responsible for the Workforce business from client acquisition to solution and service development and implementation. She has extensive experience of implementing workforce solutions and services in both private and public sectors across a range of industries, including healthcare.
Working with an experienced multidisciplinary team ranging from procurement, commercial and product development, through to customer operations, as well as a national network of workforce advisors, Judith has grown the business over the last 6 years – a trend which is set to continue with a ‘single platform’ approach to technology and the business’s open-minded attitude to trying new things!
A long-standing employee, Alison joined Liaison in January 1995 as a VAT Advisor, advising trusts on a wide variety of tax issues as well as carrying out compliance reviews and training courses. From 2008, Alison led the VAT division and was instrumental in continually growing the NHS VAT business and expanding other financial saving services as a specialist to the NHS. With a career in the financial sector including experience in management accounting, debt control and fraud analysis, Alison is well placed, with her trusted team, to develop and deliver solutions to help the healthcare economy.
Alison is now responsible for the Liaison Financial business, overseeing and managing our unrivalled UK-wide team of specialist VAT advisors and forensic saving consultants, as well as driving the development of new financial services.
Following a successful career in the Telecoms and IT sector, Phil was introduced to healthcare over fifteen years ago, where he focused on turnaround, transformation and operational delivery. In that time, his roles have taken him up and down the country, working with Acute Trusts, CCGs, Care and Community Trusts, and Primary Care teams.
Phil is a CHC specialist who understands the delicate balance between CHC and Social Care, and has been heavily involved in the running, optimisation and efficiency of CHC delivery throughout his time commissioning healthcare.
Phil joined the Liaison Group as a Special Advisor in January 2020, before moving to lead Liaison Care in 2020.
Heidi joined Liaison in 2014 from Ceridian, where she spent 18 years in a range of strategic planning and senior business analyst roles.
Passionate about using data to drive decision making, Heidi guides the research and strategic planning activities in Liaison and leads the people analytics business, Activ8 Intelligence, acquired by the group in 2016.
Vanessa joined Liaison in 2011 and is responsible for Liaison Group’s corporate development strategy. She has been instrumental in expanding Liaison’s healthcare offering and helped the NHS to change the way they look at temporary workers by leading agency sourced employment into trusts and health boards. To keep leading the way, we benefit from strategic advice from a group of advisors that Vanessa oversees who are either still active in the NHS or recently retired. It is this unrivalled access and penetration of the NHS that is enabling Vanessa to identify opportunities for partnerships and investments that benefit the healthcare economy and add value to our business.
Prior to Liaison, Vanessa worked in a number of sales and marketing roles in the recruitment and managed service sector with Randstad, helping to re-engineer the way workforces were structured.
Andrew has over 30 years’ experience in NHS finance and worked in finance director roles at leading NHS trusts for the last ten years. Before joining Liaison, Andrew was director of finance and investment at Barts and The London NHS Trust. Prior to this role he was finance director at St Mary’s NHS Trust for just under six years.
Andrew has been the chairman of the HFMA’s (Healthcare Financial Managers’ Association) London branch, which has 400 members, since 2008.
Ian is a Chartered Accountant, and joined Liaison in 2014 having spent 30 years in senior finance roles across public practice, private business and the public sector in healthcare.
Ian leads on Liaison’s financial processes, as well as supporting the workforce division with commercial and procurement decisions. He is also a non-executive director at St Martin of Tours Housing Association.
Mike is an experienced marketer in the field of healthcare, having been Head of Marketing at a healthcare workforce solutions provider since 2009, before moving to lead Liaison Group’s marketing team as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) in 2020.
Working with a varied team of marketing specialists, Mike oversees all marketing and communications for both Liaison Group and its divisions.
Matthew joined Liaison in 2011, at that time heading up our emerging Forensics division. He then moved to lead the development on our market-leading TempRE application and, more latterly, our development of ‘NHS at Work’ – a rostering solution for the NHS, by the NHS.
Matthew now leads Liaison Group’s growing tech development team, delivering on a number of key projects within the business, as well as key integrations with Group companies and external suppliers, and covering the essential functions of projects, reporting, Liaison’s data warehouse, and information governance.
Matthew has a detailed understanding and knowledge of the healthcare sector and its current and future technologies, and is proud to be surrounded by a highly skilled and creative team. He is passionate and committed to delivering world-class solutions to help the NHS be more operationally effective.
Corinne joined Liaison Group in 2018. With a number of years’ experience behind her, she manages the HR function supporting the whole group; helping to develop a core group of HR professionals to proactively support the varied needs of the business.
Corinne’s career and experience spans financial and professional services, encompassing a broad cross-section of specialist areas. Whilst her background is in generalist HR, she has experience in all aspects of the function. She is also an active volunteer supporting local high schools as an Enterprise Adviser. As the pandemic has proven, no two days are the same, however always looking to improve, from an HR and employee engagement perspective, one of the successes in recent years has been to be awarded and maintain the Best Companies accreditation as a Top 100 employer.