Temporary roles to tackle Covid-19 offered to redundant NHS staff

27 March 2020

Liaison Workforce

A report in the HSJ this week revealed that NHS staff who have been issued with redundancy notices under a cost reduction exercise have been asked to consider delaying their exits and to take on temporary roles to support the NHS during the coronavirus pandemic.

Over 600 posts were due to end later this year under NHS England and NHS Improvement’s cost reduction plans. Those staff members between bands 4 and 8d have now been asked to temporarily cover roles including incident and task management, and information coordination; whilst those in bands 8a and above have been asked to stay on to cover supporting roles to national task groups focused on supporting the NHS through the pandemic. 

An NHSE spokesman said: “Exceptional times require flexible and pragmatic responses, so just like the rest of the NHS we’re using all available people and resources to deal with coronavirus.”

You can read the full report in the HSJ here.

If we can support your NHS trust to manage increased temporary staffing requirements due to the Covid-19 outbreak, please get in touch at [email protected]

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